In line with the DFA Constitution you are hereby notified that the Annual General Meeting will take place on 28 August 2023 at 16:00 – 18:00 via Zoom and in person. The venues will be in Cape Town and in Johannesburg. We will link the two venues with Zoom and members in other areas can also join virtually.  You will receive a link to join 24 hours before the meeting.

If you cannot attend, you will still be able to vote online, but please also do appoint a proxy in order to establish a quorum at the meeting. We will issue a call for Board nominations and RSVPs on 8 August 2023.


  • Existing board members need no nomination, but need to confirm that they are members in good standing (fully paid up), and that they are prepared to stand for another cycle. Their standing has to be seconded.
  • Full Members may nominate themselves or may be nominated by another Full member. If they are nominated by another member, the nominee needs to confirm via email that they accept the nomination. Nominees must be members in good standing (paid up members).
  • We will issue a call for Board nominations and AGM RSVPs on 8 August 2023.
  • Nominations for board members will close at 12h00 noon on 18 August.
  • Candidate profiles will be made available to members during the voting period (21-28 August) and the voting link will be sent to paid up members.
  • Only Members in good standing (members who have valid membership on 21 August) will receive access to the electronic voting process.
  • Every voting member will get the electronic voting link and the system will only allow one person to vote per link to ensure that every member only votes once. On completion of the survey, please make sure that you enter your name in the space provided. It will NOT connect your name to the ballot (which is completely secret), but will assist us to establish a quorum.
  • Voting will be open from 12:00 noon  on 21 August and close again at 13:00 on 28 August 2023. Voting results will be announced during the AGM that afternoon.

Further mailers guiding you through this process will lollow in the next few weeks but please reach out to if you have any queries.