• to actively engage with broadcasters and funders to advance a sustainable production, funding and distribution model for documentary films;
  • to further diversification in all areas of production and by so doing to reflect and encourage the plurality of voices in all geographic regions in South Africa;
  • to further transformation of the documentary industry. Specifically, recognising the imbalances brought about during the political past of the country, to allow a demographically appropriate spread of race and gender in the industry, to recognise that there is sufficient space for many voices in the industry, and to protect the interests of the existing industry players who are committed to transformation;
  • to serve as a resource for both professional and aspirant documentary filmmakers in advancing skills in the field of documentary filmmaking;
  • to serve as an industry lobby in defence of the establishment of fair and equitable relationships with trade and funding resources;
  • to lobby for protection of practitioners’ rights with regards to intellectual property;
  • to network with local and international organisations of like interest to further the Association’s and members’ objectives;
  • to raise the profile of the South African documentary industry;
  • to promote the documentary industry as an industry in its own right.