The Documentary Filmmakers’ Association docLOVE screenings launched their 2019 season with the with award-winning filmmaker, Rehad Desai’s SAFTA-winning, Everything Must Fall in February 2019. Other films this year have included DFA members’ films such as Enver Samuel’s Someone to Blame: The Ahmed Timol Story, Nicole Schafer’s Buddha in Africa and Sylvia Vollenhoven’s Jozi Gold.
The docLOVE programme has had strong support from film aficionados in Cape Town at two regular venues: the Tshisimani Centre for Activist Education in Mowbray and Bertha Movie House at the Isivivana Centre, Khayalitsha. Mowbray viewings are held on the last Thursday of each month and at Bertha Movie House on First Wednesdays, both starting at 6pm with a discussion following the screening.
DFA Board member Sandz Tshefu who is the docLOVE coordinator in Khayelitsha says: “docLOVE has become such a great space and platform for film/documentary lovers and film-makers in Khayelitsha. As the Khayelitsha coordinator and a Filmmaker myself, I have for a long time felt disconnected to fellow filmmakers. This has been mainly because we worked so far from each other but are actually next-door neighbors – docLOVE has given us space and time to really get to know each other and collaborate”.
The programme has been extended to KwaZulu Natal with Jozi Gold being shown at the University of KwaZulu Natal Centre for Civil Society in August. Plans are now being made to expand docLOVE to Johannesburg.
DocLOVE organisers Miki Redelinghuys and Theresa Hill are heading up a team of volunteers who are starting to plan the 2020 offerings for docLOVE and invite interested filmmakers who will have a creative documentary available for consideration to contact the DFA for further details on submission on