The South African Cultural Observatory would like to extend an invitation to you, to attend a workshop:  THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FILM SECTOR AS A CATALYST FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH IN SOUTH AFRICA: TOWARD A SOLLYWOOD . Please find the invitation attached.

Date:     Friday 22nd June 2018

Time:     9:00am – 12:00pm (registration opens at 8:30am)

Venue: Southern Sun Newlands Hotel, Cape Town

Address: 7 Main Road, Newlands, Cape Town, 7700

This workshop will look to consult with and gain insight from the film industry sector as well as creative practitioners and agencies in regard to the current policy-oriented research by SACO on the Film Sector in South Africa.  The workshop will look to encourage and reflect on the experiences and observations of the participants. This will provide a strategic corrective to the current research and provide a more incorporative view on the options and obstacles regarding the long-term development of a competitive and comprehensive South African film industry.

Please RSVP to by 12:00pm on Monday 18th June. Please note, there is limited space available and attendance will be confirmed on a first come, first serve basis.